Food Programs

Kids are growing, and it takes a lot of energy to be in school. Thinking makes you hungry and kids can't learn if they don't eat. Please make sure your child has lots of food, but know that we provide food for kids at LPES in a variety of ways. Our food program is universally available. If you have questions please contact the office.

Breakfast Club

Students come regularly to meet for breakfast and/or make their lunches for the day. Parents must give consent for their children to be in this club. Students are expected to come to the breakfast area before 9 AM, otherwise they can ask their classroom teacher for class snacks. There are special circumstances where we will support a student that missed breakfast for whatever reason. If it is a regular occurrence, then our team will reach out to parents to see if they want to join the club.

Classroom Snacks

Most teachers keep a small supply of food in their classrooms for students who need snacks for any reason throughout the day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are also available for classrooms through the School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program.

Lunch Top-Ups

At lunch, when the noon-hour supervisors are in the classroom, students who have finished their lunch may ask the supervisor if they can have more food. Extra food is available on a lunch tray in the office window. Supervisors also give students a sticker that says “We topped up your child’s lunch today” for them to put on their lunch kit. 

School Garden

The Lindsay Park School Garden runs on the volunteer power of teachers and community members. The Garden Club meets monthly in March, April, and November and bi-weekly in May, June, September, and October. The garden club also creates opportunities for students to participate in class planting of seeds in the spring.

District Notice

Kindergarten Registration for September 2025

Kindergarten Registration for children who will be turning 5 by December 31, 2025 will be open from January 20-31, 2025. For more information about kindergarten registration, programming, pedagogy, gradual entry, click the button below.

Kindergarten Information

School Notice

Kindergarten Registration for September 2025

Kindergarten Registration for children who will be turning 5 by December 31, 2025 will be open from January 20-31, 2025. For more information about kindergarten registration, programming, pedagogy, gradual entry, click the button below.

Kindergarten Information