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What to do When Sick

There is a lot of illness going around Kimberley right now as is usual in the early winter. Just a reminder to all staff and students, COVID testing is no longer necessary. Even if you do test and are positive, the guideline is no longer quarantining for any length of time. If you are ill, you should stay home until you are well enough to participate in regular activities, unless otherwise directed by a healthcare provider.  

For more information, please the provincial guidelines for schools here: Interior Health Guidance K-12 Schools. The following is a quote from that document regarding illness and missing school: 

Staff, students, or other persons in the school setting who are exhibiting symptoms of illness, such as respiratory illness, should stay home until they are well enough to participate in regular activities or otherwise advised by a healthcare provider. Those experiencing certain illnesses, such as gastrointestinal illness caused by norovirus, may be advised to stay home for longer (ie. Vomiting or diarrhea). Staff, children, or other persons can attend school if their symptoms are consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition (e.g., seasonal allergies) or symptoms have improved, and they feel well enough to return to regular activities or otherwise advised by a healthcare provider. If you are unsure or concerned about your symptoms, connect with your health care provider or call 8-1-1. If a staff member, student, or other person develops symptoms of illness at school and is unable to participate in regular activities, they should be supported to go home until their symptoms have improved or otherwise advised by a healthcare provider. Appropriate infection control 3 precautions should be taken while the person is preparing to leave the school premises, including use of appropriate hand hygiene and cleaning/disinfection of surfaces soiled with bodily fluids. They may use a mask if they are experiencing respiratory symptoms. Schools should not require a health care provider note (i.e. a doctor’s note) to confirm the health status of any individual, beyond those required to support medical accommodation as per usual practice. 

You may also review the Interior Health Guide to Childhood Diseases. Under each disease, it outlines symptoms and whether a child needs to be excluded from school or childcare. Each description clearly states the protocol, so it’s a good one to save for future reference as this is what we follow.  

Hand washing is still a priority at school and we make lots of time to wash hands several times a day. We thank everyone who is encouraging kiddos to cough and sneeze into their elbow and who encourage kids to practice good hand hygiene.  

Please keep kids home if they are not well enough to fully participate in learning at school, and according to the guidelines attached. It helps to reduce the spread of illness for everyone.  

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District Notice

Kindergarten Registration for September 2025

Kindergarten Registration for children who will be turning 5 by December 31, 2025 will be open from January 20-31, 2025. For more information about kindergarten registration, programming, pedagogy, gradual entry, click the button below.

Kindergarten Information

School Notice

Kindergarten Registration for September 2025

Kindergarten Registration for children who will be turning 5 by December 31, 2025 will be open from January 20-31, 2025. For more information about kindergarten registration, programming, pedagogy, gradual entry, click the button below.

Kindergarten Information